Aspire - Human Resources
Concept, design and logo for Aspire program.
Information Kit
Driving Initiative Program
We think you have talent – make the most of it with Aspire
It’s time to step out of your comfort zone, take on a new challenge and do something different.
That is how we learn.
Aspire 2009 gives you the opportunity to unlock your potential – make the most of your abilities,
and discover things about yourself that you never knew.
Australia Post supports staff, who are enthusiastic and committed to learning, with professional
workshops and on-the-job development that will prepare you for higher levels of responsibility. You’ll
learn important skills that will not only help you do your current job better, but can also lead towards
nationally recognised certificate qualifications and a brighter future career.
Driving Initiative program: A one-day workshop and on-the-job workbook training lets you learn at
your own pace, and benefit from one-on-one coaching with your manager. You’ll develop leadership
capabilities, technical supervisory skills, and understand how to manage changes and new ideas in
a range of post office duties.
The Driving Initiative Program gave me the confidence to do things I’d never done
before. Taking on new tasks, dealing with people, implementing change and coaching
staff… I now realise the importance of making sure staff are always improving their
knowledge. Starting something challenging is the hardest, but it’s completely
Sharon Isberg completed the Driving Initiative 2008 Program and is now
acting Postal Manager at Jesmond PostShop.
No matter what stage you’re at, please discuss your training opportunities with your Postal
Manager. This is your chance to seize the moment - and to create long-lasting change in your life.
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Office Management Program
We think you have talent – make the most of it with Aspire
It’s time to step out of your comfort zone, take on a new challenge and do something different.
That is how we learn.
Aspire 2009 gives you the opportunity to unlock your potential – make the most of your abilities,
and discover things about yourself that you never knew.
Australia Post supports staff, who are enthusiastic and committed to learning, with professional
workshops and on-the-job development that will prepare you for higher levels of responsibility. You’ll
learn important skills that will not only help you do your current job better, but can also lead towards
nationally recognised certificate qualifications and a brighter future career.
Office Management program:
Managing a Post Office involves significant financial, staff and stock
management responsibilities. These 4 workshops (9 days in total) will help you develop the skills
you need to run a successful Post Office, including performance management, time management
and financial management.
I participated in the Aspire Office Management Program in 2008 and found it a very
rewarding experience. It gave me the confidence and knowledge to carry out my
own job more effectively and to act as Postal Manager when required. The
activities that were required to be done back in the workplace were of great benefit
in reinforcing what had been learnt during the workshops in head office. I also found
it a great opportunity to build a great network of support throughout the organisation.
I feel I was very lucky to have been selected to participate in the program.
Janette Hunt, SPSO2, Queanbeyan PostShop
No matter what stage you’re at, please discuss your training opportunities with your Postal
Manager. This is your chance to seize the moment - and to create long-lasting change in your life.
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Driving Initiative Program
aspire cover DIP.indd 1
16/2/09 4:44:38 PM
Office Management Program
aspire cover OMP.indd 1
16/2/09 4:39:21 PM
Folder to house information sheets, extra
A4 Information Sheets
Michael Pellaers | Portfolio